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Minutes of meeting 7th December 2015

GUNNISLAKE AMATEUR DRAMATICS Minutes of meeting –Monday 7th December 2015

At the Buccaneer

Present: Frank Goodman (Chair), Phil Green (Vice Chair), April Gunn, Jackie Coombs, Sue Goodman, Colin Cocking, Helen Day-Cocking, Michele Berrie, , Lesley Smith, Carol Banks

Apologies: Ross Hanley, Sally Hopkins, Jean Day, Kayleigh Agar

1. Approval of minutes of Committee Meeting of 2nd November 2015. These were approved with no amendments – (Helen: please place on website.)

2. Matters arising from Committee Meeting of 5th October 2015

a. Xmas tree Festival. Tree and battery operated lights (possibly minus batteries) are ready for collection at Bank House. Michele will pick up on Thursday morning. The banner is available and Sue will arrange for information leaflets; Lesley will bring membership forms. Michele thanked Anthony Banks for helping her make the decorations and Phil for cutting out the wooden blanks.

b. Possibility of linking a future summer performance with the Festival – this had been agreed at the Festival AGM and we could use the Buccaneer studio, as there would be no Saturday “fete” element to the Festival, requiring storage. It could be either at the beginning or end of the week.

c. Investigation into storage – Lesley had not yet addressed this, but would do so.

3. Vampire

* DVD – Nick had taken a film from the balcony, which gave a good flavour of the performance, but was not suitable for sale. Michele encouraged performers to watch it to see their performances for learning purposes. Frank had one copy, and would burn off another to lend around. Phil asked for it in the first instance. Agreed not to do a group showing.

* Takings – Graham in the Premier Store had suddenly produced another £95 of ticket sale takings, which had been sitting there in a safe place. This brings the total takings up to £344.00. Expenditure of roughly £140 left a profit of some £204.00.

4. Showtime Variety Show

There was considerable discussion on this; in particular concerns were expressed that there were an awful lot of numbers as yet unrehearsed, a very tight timescale and that the songs were too many/too difficult. While Jackie felt confident that it could be pulled together, Frank proposed cutting the ensemble numbers down to two. After further discussion it was agreed to take out Hernando’s Hideaway, and put the Oliver Twist ensemble in lieu of America as the finale of the first half, with the addition of “Oom pah pah”. Lesley was in the process of producing an overall production grid, in consultation with Jackie, which included stage directions, numbers, cast, props and costumes. As soon as this is finalised, she will publish it (in the expectation it will change further). Post meeting note: Attached with these minutes

A production meeting had been held on Tuesday 1st December, addressing a number of issues. As the Production Team were all Committee members, rather than addressing all the outcomes again, Lesley proposed attaching a separate set of notes to these minutes. Please see attached and read in conjunction.

As a result of having a slightly smaller balance creditor than last year, (£3,066.00 as opposed to £3,300) economies of staging were being sought. Ross had contacted James Hart of Tamar Valley scaffolding with a view to spending less on the staging, and then utilising our own lights and technical equipment, if necessary hiring some things from Anthony of Light Years Light and Sound. Frank had broken down all the separate elements of the hire costs from the Wizard and the staging element was some £750. Ross had just obtained an outline quote from James Hart of £550, with the caveats that he was not insured to erect scaffolding indoors, one of his team was injured and he may have to charge extra to make it worth his while, but the Chairman (and the committee) felt that the small saving and lack of certainty did not make this a worthwhile proposition, and it would be better to approach Anthony for all equipment. Ross had proposed negotiating with him to match Tamar Valley Scaffolding’s price. As we were now going to get the staging from Light Years, Frank would draw up a list of precisely what we wanted, rather than going overboard with “nice to have” extras. Phil felt that as Anthony had helped us so much from the outset, and he had established a good working relationship with him, it

would be much more productive for him and Ross to visit Anthony at his store, and discuss the matter (equipped with the list of required equipment). This was agreed to be the best course of action. Action: Frank, Phil, Ross


Carol had obtained quotes for tickets and posters from her son Alex and gave Sue the figures. They sounded very competitive, but Sue will compare with the printers’ costs for the Wizard and get back to Carol.

Action: Sue, Carol Other Showtime Matters

Frank will not enquire about copyright costs for the Goon Show element, as this was not going to be performed.

It was confirmed that Ted would provide guitar accompaniment with Kate on piano.

Costumes were in hand – query re Mike Chorosweski’s shoe size for lace up boots. Carol would like a contact list of all performers so she can phone them (preferably by land line). This is in hand and would be sent to her ASAP.

5. Xmas Do

Confirmed that 28 people had put themselves down. It would be starting at 7.30 (ish) at the Tavistock on Friday 11th December. It would be a buffet, cost £5 per head, payable on arrival. It would be informal, with some performances (no list as yet). Frank asked if anyone needed amplification or sound. It was decided not to hold a raffle as donations were provided by the Committee and bought by members. Raffles would be limited to “public” occasions.

6. Workshop for Spring 2016

Phil had suggested “Interpretation of text” and this was thought to be an excellent topic. Sue would run this workshop – date to be decided for the New Year after Showtime is over.

7. Rule & Bant

Frank had sent out his first version of this, and those who had read it had reacted very positively. It had been written with numbers, rather than individuals in mind, and it was agreed to set a date for a rehearsed reading in the New Year, post Showtime.

8. AOB:

a. Frank had received a thank you letter from Shelterbox for the proceeds of the raffle held in the Rising Sun in the summer as part of the Festival performance, which he passed round.

b. Purchase of further lighting/mixers: Frank proposed to park this in the light of the fact we would be obtaining equipment from Light Years for Showtime.

c. Murder Mystery - Frank had written one which Mark Reynolds liked very much and he had suggested that Plymouth Casino would be interested if GLAD provided the actors. This would not be until May, and this item was moved forward until after Christmas.

d. Carol had some light stands with lights available (some parts still to be located). Looking at the pictures, it was considered they could well be utilised as footlights. Action: Carol/Phil

e. Financial matters – Lesley had paid the NODA Insurance (gave us our public liability certificate) and covered all our equipment, personal injury, loss of earnings, etc. It had risen to a total of £213.76, but was a vital part of our operation. The NODA membership was due at the end January (£71.00) Payment for St Anne’s Hall of £60.00 had just been made, and money was due to Kate for music. Lesley proposed that there was a regular finance slot in the Agenda, so the Committee could keep track on income and expenditure and take steps to raise funds as necessary.

9. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 11th January 2016 in the he Buccaneer at 7.30 (Notify Gill)

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