GLAD Minutes of 04 August 2020
Committee Meeting
At The Village Hall /7:30 / 4 Aug 2020
Sue, Lesley, Phil, Carol, Colin, Phil, Frank, Critter, Jean, Lewis, Mike, Jackie, Michelle, Ross
Before the meeting began Lesley gave a COVID 19 briefing.
Approval of minutes of Committee Meeting 18 Feb 2020
This was the first meeting since February 2020 due to COVID 19 restrictions.
Minutes approved, signed and ready for publication.
Matters arising from Committee Meeting Jan 2020 (not covered in agenda items)
Request to put A1 poster in hall to celebrate first panto in hall for 50 years was taken to the Village Hall Committee meeting. The request was agreed in principle. Action: Colin to order A1 poster and frame.
Albaston Fete has been cancelled but GLAD has been asked to apply again next year to be a beneficiary.
Cowboy Panto DVD Showing (rescheduled)
30 people only allowed in hall. First come, first served basis. Two showings possible on Friday 21 August and Saturday 22 August / Village Hall/ 19:00
People can bring individual food and drink.
Action: Phil to contact Stuart and organise projector.
Action: Lesley to invite Linda Evans.
Appropriate face coverings to be worn
Action: Lesley to put on FB as an event
Cushions will be raffled both nights and people will be able to vote for GOBS award. These will be presented on Saturday night. Linda will decide ‘Tony’ award.
Financial update
Sent out previously. Steve has audited the financial statement ready for the AGM.
Future Plans
Possible Murder Mystery at Christmas if Covid restrictions make it feasible.
Possible Live Streaming of one of the 3 One Act Plays.
Both of these to be agenda item for Oct / Nov meeting when situation should be clearer.
Will revisit 501 drama event in the new year.
8. AGM
Mike and Frank to stand down from the committee at the AGM.
Suggestion to go to AGM that current membership should be extended for 12 months due to COVID.
Action: Lesley to ask members if they want an AGM this year and if anyone would like to stand for the committee.
Jean will pay Antony for the flight bag and get more details from him about the stage steps.
Future purchasing of carpet tiles to cover the stage agreed. Action: Ross to purchase from B and Q.
The issue of the naming of the GLAD singers has been amicably resolved.
Currently the future of the Buccaneer is undecided
Date and place of next meeting
Tuesday Tues 1 September / 7:30 / Village Hall