GLAD Committee Meeting December 2021
Sue, Lesley, Phil, Carol, Critter, Jean, Jackie, Ross, Liz, Phil, Michelle
Colin, Jean
Approval of minutes of Committee Meeting November 2021
Minutes approved with no changes, signed and ready for publication.
Matters arising (not covered in agenda items)
NODA insurance paid and committee agreed renewal of NODA membership
Financial update:
Donation of £200 received from CB and £350 from Albaston Fete
Insurance paid
Future plans
Murder Mystery
Sale of tickets going well with only 8/9 still available. Committee agreed that extra night was not necessary.
Front of House will be Kay, Jane, Jackie and possibly new member (Deb)
Lynda well on the way of sorting costumes and props
Covid Risk Assessment: -
Round 1 and 2 of questions will be asked by Critter and Ted (police) on behalf of the audience
Round 3 – selected members of cast will be chosen to be further questioned by the audience. Stand 2 metres away from tables. Wear masks when moving between tables.
Final decision on if this works will be made at the Thursday rehearsal.
Date and place of next meeting
Wednesday 9 February / 7:30 / Village hall