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Meeting Minutes Tuesday 26th July 2016

GUNNISLAKE AMATEUR DRAMATICS Minutes of meeting –Tuesday 26th July 2016

At the Buccaneer

Present: Frank Goodman (Chair), Phil Green (Vice Chair) Jackie Coombs, Sue Goodman, Lesley Smith, Ross Hanley, Sally Hopkins, Michele Berrie, Carol Banks,

Apologies: Jean Day, Colin Cocking, Helen Day-Cocking, Richard Baker

1. Approval of minutes of Committee Meeting of 13th June 2016. These were approved. (Helen, please place on website)

2. Matters arising: All Frank’s actions complete. Lesley still to approach Dorothy Kirk regarding her County Councillor’s fund.

3. Trapped – Review

All feedback had been universally good, with considerable praise for the script, setting, acting, costumes and direction. The venue had been sold out every night (with tickets going very quickly) and a number of people had been disappointed at being unable to get seats.

Sue, as director, felt that in future use of both balconies was problematic owing to shadows, and that it had been difficult with such a comparatively large cast for actors to remain out of sight when not required on stage. There was some discussion about not using the right hand (deeper) balcony with the low railing as a stage, but as a holding area for cast. The left hand one, now cleared of equipment, could perhaps be used for audience if there was a dais or higher stools. There is also a largish room behind this which could possibly be used for changing/as wings. The play had been written for the space and the feeling was that it had utilised it extremely effectively.

Leading on from the undoubted success, and lack of the originally projected outdoor performance, there was discussion as to the viability of putting it on again in the relatively near future (in order to retain the original cast, not having to relearn lines, and while it was still fresh in their memory). After considerable debate, two weeks were identified (and both were confirmed as available by Gill). These were Wed 24th – Sat 27th August (rehearsal Wednesday, performances Thurs – Saturday inclusive) and Wed 21st – Sat 24th September (same as before). Sue would email the entire cast, (and Critter), judge the responses and take it from there.

If not viable then it could be redone as part of the Festival again next year, although there were difficulties with the same people being involved in both activities.

4. Murder Mystery Discussion

Frank had sent out the synopsis, as promised, but it was agreed in the light of the discussion above and the decision to try and do another run of “Trapped” in the near future, that the murder mystery based round Casablanca be parked until we knew whether or not Trapped was going to happen.

5. Winter Show call for options to discuss at next meeting

Chair reiterated that this was for the next meeting, and asked all Committee members to consider ideas for both venues and type of performance for then.

6. Membership:

Sally reported that there were currently 24 paid up members (as opposed to 37 last year). Frank felt that people were leaving it until they actually wanted to participate in a show. There was some discussion on reintroducing a “Friends” category, with some benefits, but at a lesser rate. Agreed to discuss this in more detail at a future meeting.

7. Finance

In Jean’s absence, Frank reported that the current balance was £2,816. Takings from “Trapped” were £471 with a £9 discrepancy. Costs had amounted to £114. Frank would ask Jean to clarify if these were purely related to Trapped and for a breakdown of profits from Trapped.

We were thus still in a reasonable position, with a modest income generated, and with minimal outlay (no rehearsal or performance venue charges being a significant factor).

7. AOB:

None, other than Ross’s light stand was at Bank House.

8. Date of Next Meeting – Monday 22nd August at 1930 at the Buccaneer.

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